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Preterm births by race/ethnicity in Texas

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Definition and Source



The number of babies born before 37 weeks gestation and that number as a percentage of all live births.  Percentages are share of births that are preterm within each racial/ethnic category. For example, what percentage of births to White mothers was preterm? What percentage of births to Hispanic mothers was preterm?

Data Source

Bureau of Vital Statistics, Texas Department of State Health Services


"LNE" (Low Number Event) indicates between 1 and 9 pre-term births in a county. Percentages are not available (NA) for counties with between 1 and 9 pre-term births. "NA" means the data is not available because the county had zero total births (this applies to King and Loving counties).

"NA" for the percentage means population estimates are not yet available to calculate percentages.

Updated January 2023.

Last Updated

November 2024