Statistics on children, youth and families in Massachusetts from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
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Why This Indicator Matters
Early education and care has wide ranging benefits for children, parents and the economy. Participation in early education and care helps lay a foundation for success in school and in life. Early education and care makes it easier for parents to work, giving them the support they need to seek and keep jobs, to improve their economic circumstances, and to provide for their families. Economic gains are both immediate and longer-term and these benefits are greatest for low-income children with the weakest existing formal supports. See MassBudget’s report, Care for Our Commonwealth.
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Definition and Source
Estimated percent and number of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in private or public preschool or nursery school. Number of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled available starting with 2011-2015 data.
S – Data suppressed: estimate has low statistical reliability due to small sample size and is more likely to be inaccurate.
Data Source
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table S1401. Updated July 2021 with 2015-2019 data.
These are estimates based on a survey, and they may be highly unreliable for towns with small populations due to small sample sizes.
When comparing estimates over time, researchers recommend comparing time periods that do not include overlapping years.
Last Updated
January 2024