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Children eligible for free/reduced price school meals in New Jersey

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The number of children eligible for free- or reduced-price school meals. Includes children in traditional public schools and charter schools.

Data Source

New Jersey Department of Education, October enrollment counts.


Data are for October of each school year listed.

Data updated 12/11/2024.

Please note, that due to changes in eligibility, it is advised not to compare the year to year data because of differing eligibility levels.

Note: Data are not reported for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years due to the following:
  • While operating remotely, districts altered traditional breakfast and lunch service, distributing multiple days' meals at select local sites. 
  • Due to federal legislation aimed at reducing food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, all students, regardless of income, were eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch.

Last Updated

December 2024