Statistics on children, youth and families in Florida from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Florida Policy Institute
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Definition and Source
The number of delinquency referrals reported to the Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS). The number of referrals is determined by selecting the most serious offense reported received on JJIS for any individual youth on a specific date. If the same juvenile is referred for several offenses on the same date, these would be counted together as one referral, with the most serious offense on that date used for analysis. If that juvenile is referred for one or more offenses on another date during the fiscal year, it would be counted as another referral.
Data Source
Office of Research and Data Integrity, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Tallahassee, FL
Data for groups less than 10 are represented by an * due to confidentiality.
Last Updated
January 2021