Statistics on children, youth and families in Wisconsin from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Kids Forward
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Why This Indicator Matters
Adequate prenatal care can help pregnant people learn about important steps they can take to ensure a healthy pregnancy and increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby.
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Definition and Source
These data represent the number and percent of births with adequate prenatal care, as measured using the Kotelchuck Index. The Kotelchuck index uses the date of initiation of care and the number of prenatal visits from the time care began until delivery to determine adequacy of care. The Kotelchuck Index does not measure quality of prenatal care. Read more about the Kotelchuck Index here.
Births are divided into the following categories for prenatal care: adequate, intermediate, inadequate, and none. Information about the adequacy of prenatal care is missing for a small number of births. The percent of births with adequate care is calculated by dividing the number of births receiving adequate care by the total number of births for which there is information.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services suppresses the number of births in a category if the number is less than five. For purposes of calculating the percent of births receiving adequate care, suppressed numbers are replaced with zeroes. The approach overstates the percent of births with adequate prenatal care, particularly in small counties that have fewer than five births in more than one category.
These data may have been influenced by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, starting in 2020.
Data Source
Data are from Maternal and Child Health - Wisconsin Statistics and Wisconsin Births and Infant Deaths, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Health, Center for Health Statistics: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wish/prenatal-care/index.htm. New data will be loaded when it becomes available by the data provider.
Last Updated
December 2024