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Reading proficiency in Kansas

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Basic Reading Proficiency is the percentage of 3rd through 8th graders that met their basic grade level (level 1) standard or above in the English Language Arts (ELA) assessment. Reading Proficiency on-track to Be College Ready is the percentage of 3rd through 8th graders that met their level three or level four top standard in the ELA assessment. 

Data Source

Data are provided by the Kansas State Department of Education. Kansas introduced a new assessment after 2013, meaning comparisons of data prior to and after this year are not applicable. The current rate represents academic year 2020-2021.


Data represent academic year 2014-15 to 2017-18. For 2012 and 2013, data represent the percentage of 5th grade students in the top three (out of four) performance levels on the reading assessment (exemplary, exceeds standard and meets standard). 2014 marked the first year that students transitioned to a new state assessment (English and Language Arts, or ELA) towards the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS).  However, affected by computer system hacks, the 2014 test results were not released. Beginning with 2014, data represent the percentage of 3rd through 8th graders that met their basic grade-level performance standard in the ELA assessment. The ELA performance has worsen since the beginning of the new assessment system. On average 2.83% fewer students can meet basic English reading standard each year.

Last Updated

December 2022