Statistics on children, youth and families in Massachusetts from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
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Why This Indicator Matters
Graduating from high school and from college pays off in many ways, but especially in terms of life-long earnings. Workers with associate’s degrees earn appreciably more than high school graduates, and workers with bachelor’s degrees earn nearly twice what workers who have not attended college earn.
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Definition and Source
Percent – Percent of students in a cohort who graduate within five years, divided by the number of first-time ninth graders five years earlier, less the number of students who have transferred out, plus the number who have transferred in.
Data Source
5-Year graduation rates from Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) State Graduation Rate Trends.
Data last updated December 2022 with data from 2020.
The cohort count is at the end of the school year, with the graduation count updated the following October 1.
Last Updated
December 2022