Statistics on children, youth and families in Connecticut from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Connecticut Voices for Children
Children in poverty below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level in Connecticut
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Why This Indicator Matters
Child poverty ties into nearly every indicator reported here. Some indicators which correlate with poverty status are understood as predictors of poverty— including the employment status or education levels of parents with children under 18— while others are classified by some scholars as consequences of poverty, including births to teens, low birthweight births, and infant mortality. As one of the wealthiest states in the nation, Connecticut faces unique challenges in achieving the goal of putting children first. Overall, 5-year estimates from the American Community Survey reveal an increase in the percent of children living below the Federal Poverty Level, from 12.6 percent in 2007-2011, to 14.1 percent in 2012-2016. Estimates from 2013-2017 and 2015-2019 dropped slightly to around 13.3 percent. While there is just cause for concern regarding the decline in the economic well-being of Connecticut children overall, it is important that these broad measures not obscure the persistent and profound disparities facing children of color in our state. Here, a history of disinvestment in communities of color and other marginalized populations has compounded significant disparities in outcomes, which are particularly apparent when the poverty rate for children is disaggregated by race and ethnicity.
The deep disparities facing children of color as well as those in low-income households show what happens when we disinvest from communities who need resources and the attention of policy makers. For decades, the share of state spending dedicated to young people has diminished significantly. This decline has most impacted children of color, who experience worse outcomes across child well-being domains assessed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The widening of the child poverty-gap across race and ethnicity suggests that Connecticut communities are more broadly feeling the force of a decline in public funding for the agencies and programs that serve young people and low-income families. Supporting low-income families is essential to ensuring the development and success of our children.
The deep disparities facing children of color as well as those in low-income households show what happens when we disinvest from communities who need resources and the attention of policy makers. For decades, the share of state spending dedicated to young people has diminished significantly. This decline has most impacted children of color, who experience worse outcomes across child well-being domains assessed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The widening of the child poverty-gap across race and ethnicity suggests that Connecticut communities are more broadly feeling the force of a decline in public funding for the agencies and programs that serve young people and low-income families. Supporting low-income families is essential to ensuring the development and success of our children.
Definition and Source
This indicator reports the percentage of children living in households with incomes below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in the last 12 months, as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau. This indicator captures children living in households with incomes that are below 100% of the FPL.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019, 2016-2020, 2017-2021 and 2018-2022, American Community Survey Estimates, Table B17024.
The total number of children under 18 years living in households with incomes below 100% of the FPL are summed across all age groups under 18 years. These totals are divided by the total number of children under 18 years to calculate the percentage of children living in households with incomes below the FPL. Counts under 6 - excluding zeroes - are suppressed.
NA: Not Available
S: Data Suppressed
NA: Not Available
S: Data Suppressed
Last Updated
October 2024