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Births to teens in Connecticut

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Why This Indicator Matters

Three quarters of teen births are unintended, and children both to teen mothers have a higher probability of being born prematurely, at low birth weight, or dying as infants. They also have generally poorer educational outcomes. Teen mothers are also less likely than older mothers to have finished high school or attend college.[i]

[i] Child Trends Databank (2015, December). Teen Births (Report). Bethesda, MD. Retrieved, March 2018 from

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Definition and Source



This indicator reports the total number of births to mothers aged 15-19 years, and the teen birth rate, or the total number of births per 1,000 teen girls.

Data Source

Connecticut Department of Public Health, Vital Statistics, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019  Table 17.

Connecticut Department of Public Health, Vital Statistics, Teen Birth Rates by Connecticut Town 2016-2020.


Total births to mothers 15-19, and birth rate per 1,000, were obtained from State Department of Public Health Vital Statistics tables. Totals include births to Connecticut residents that occurred out-of-state. Population values used for rate denominators were taken from the 2010 Decennial U.S. Census. Counts of births of five or fewerexcluding zerowere suppressed, as were rates derived from suppressed totals.


NA: Not Available
S: Data Suppressed

The data source has not published new data for this indicator in recent years, but the indicator will be updated on the KIDS COUNT Data Center if or when new data are released. Until then, these data may provide useful historical information for those working in this field.

Last Updated

October 2024