Statistics on children, youth and families in Delaware from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and KIDS COUNT in Delaware
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Why This Indicator Matters
For many, the home is a sanctuary; a place of love, safety, security and shelter. Unfortunately for some, it can be a place of fear and violence. Witnessing or being the victim of domestic violence can have profound emotional, developmental and physical consequences for children. The extreme to which the child experiences these consequences can be related to the frequency and severity of the violence, the time elapsed since the event and the child's personality. According to the American Bar Association, many children, victims and witnesses of domestic violence exhibit signs of post traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms may be directed outward and can include inability to sleep through the night, bed wetting and temper tantrums, or they may be directed inward and shown by the child being shy or withdrawn. School age children who experience domestic violence tend to have poor academic performance, are absent frequently and have health problems.
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Definition and Source
Based on fiscal year.
Data Source
Delaware State Bureau of Identification
Last Updated
December 2024