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Interpregnancy intervals in Alaska

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Definition and Source



Number and percent of women with less than 18 months between pregnancies among all second or higher order singleton births per year by Alaska Public Health Region; number and percent of women with 18 or more months between pregnancies among all second or higher order singleton births per year by Alaska Public Health Region.

Region is determined by maternal residence, not site of delivery.

Interpregnancy intervals are calculated as months from previous live birth to the most recent birth's estimated date of conception. Thus, the analysis is limited to second or higher order singleton births and further excludes (1) births with implausible interpregnancy interval lengths (6%) due to erroneous reporting and missing data as well as (2) births involving a prior pregnancy that did not result in a live birth (12%) due to the relevance of birth spacing for perinatal health.

Data Source

Alaska Section of Health Analytics and Vital Records
The SAS code for calculating interpregnancy intervals was developed with the assistance of the National Institute for Children's Health Quality during Alaska's participation in the National Infant Mortality Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (IM CoIIN) from 2014 to 2017.

Last Updated

September 2024