Statistics on children, youth and families in Louisiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Agenda for Children
Youth under the supervision of the Office of Juvenile Justice in Louisiana
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Definition and Source
Number - children in custody or under the supervision of the Office of Juvenile Justice, including youth in secure or non-secure custody, as well as those on probation or parole over the course of the entire calendar year.
Rate - number of children in custody or under the supervision of the Office of Juvenile Justice per 1,000 youth age 10–20.
These data do not include youth in the adult criminal justice system. Data also do not include youth who are served by parish juvenile courts that operate their own probation and parole systems (Calcasieu, Caddo, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson and Rapides).
Rate - number of children in custody or under the supervision of the Office of Juvenile Justice per 1,000 youth age 10–20.
These data do not include youth in the adult criminal justice system. Data also do not include youth who are served by parish juvenile courts that operate their own probation and parole systems (Calcasieu, Caddo, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson and Rapides).
Data Source
Agenda for Children's analysis of data from the Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice (formerly the Office of Youth Development), by special request, and Puzzanchera, C., Sladky, A. and Kang, W. (2021). "Easy Access to Juvenile Populations: 1990-2020."
Data for 2011 and later should not be compared to previous years' data. Previously, data reflected how many youth were under OJJ supervision on September 1st of a given year. Beginning in 2011, data reflects how many youth were under OJJ supervision at any point during a calendar year.
Last Updated
December 2023