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Screen time for 3-year-old yesterday in Alaska

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Definition and Source



The percent of parents who reported minutes and hours their 3-year-old child spent watching television shows, videos, movies, or playing video games on the previous day.  Included time on a computer, tablet, or smart phone.

Data Source

Alaska Childhood Understanding Behaviors Survey (CUBS) for 2012–2022, Alaska Division of Public Health's Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Unit.

More data on this topic can be found using the Childhood Understanding Behaviors Survey Data Visualization Tool Version 1.5.4: Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health, Section of Women's, Children's, and Family Health; accessed on: 2024-10-07.


The percentages reported above have been produced by weighting the survey results so that estimates better represent the Alaska population.

Last Updated

October 2024