Statistics on children, youth and families in Massachusetts from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
TAFDC (Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children) participation in Massachusetts
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Why This Indicator Matters
Cash assistance used to be a reliable back-up for the lowest-income families. Today, the program reaches only a small share of needy families.
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Definition and Source
Number – Number of TAFDC recipients. A “recipient” is a person who receives TAFDC benefits.
The Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children or TAFDC (cash assistance) program provides a small cash grant to families with children and pregnant women only if they have little or no income or assets.
Data Source
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, DTA Facts and Figures. December data as of January of the following year.
Data provided by zip code. DTA suppressed data for zip codes with fewer than 11 recipients through 2019, and starting in 2020 suppresses data for zip codes with fewer than 12 recipients. MassBudget recombines zip codes into cities and towns.
Last Updated
January 2024