Statistics on children, youth and families in Alabama from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and VOICES for Alabama's Children
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Definition and Source
Population is defined as all people, male and female, child and adult, living in a given geographic area.Unless otherwise noted, this Data Book defines a child as a person under 20 years of age.
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, CO-EST00INT-AGESEX-5YR: Intercensal Estimates of the Resident Population by Five-Year Age Groups and Sex for Counties: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2010.
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, CC-EST2022-ALLDATA-[ST-FIPS]: Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2022.
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2022.
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, CC-EST2022-ALLDATA-[ST-FIPS]: Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2022.
U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2022.
Population sub-groups are listed and referred to the way the agency or organization providing the data references the sub-groups. Though you will see varying nomenclature used, the way we refer to population sub-groups throughout the 2023 Alabama Kids Count Data Book is intentional in order to be as accurate as possible in representing the data.
Last Updated
May 2024