Statistics on children, youth and families in Hawaii from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Hawai'i Children's Action Network
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Why This Indicator Matters
Young children have specific health and care needs associated with this critical age of development including access to pediatric checkups, immunizations, and quality childcare.1 Young children were undercounted at a higher rate than any other age group in the 2010 Census, and face a similar risk of being undercounted in the upcoming Census.2
Definition and Source
Data Source
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division
Estimates 2010-2019: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Selected Age Groups by Sex: VINTAGE 2020.
Accessed on September 11, 2024.
Technical Note:
The Population Estimates Program data used here are revised to reflect updated input data and new Census Bureau population controls. Population estimates for previous years change with the release of each new 5-year Census estimate. Since the U.S. Census Bureau revises their post-2010 estimates each year, the data presented here may differ from previously published estimates.
1 Currie, Janet and Nancy Reichman. 2015. “Policies to Promote Child Health: Introducing the Issue.” The Future of Children. Princeton University and The Brookings Institution.
2 AECF. 2019. “2019 Kids Count Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-being.” Available here:
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