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Four-year high school cohort graduation rate in South Dakota

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This measure is based on the number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma, divided by the number of students who form the “adjusted cohort” for that graduating class. The adjusted cohort is defined as the students who entered ninth grade for the first time four years ago, minus those who transferred out of the cohort (i.e., moved out of state, transferred to a private school, etc.), plus students who joined the cohort (i.e., students who began four years ago as a ninth grader in a private school, out of state, etc.) As opposed to the completer rate above, only students who graduate with a regular diploma are counted positively. Those who continue their education beyond four years, those who finish with a GED, and those who drop out are all counted against the Four-Year Graduation Rate.

NOTE: If students did not attend at least 50% of their senior year at one school, students counted at the high school they attended the longest, or the last enrolled if there are multiple with equal enrollment lengths.

South Dakota is required to follow the Title I Four-Year Adjusted Cohort methodology in determining Graduation Rate, as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 200.19(b).


Numerator = Number of cohort members who graduate in four years with a high school diploma

Denominator (example years) = Number of first-time ninth graders in fall 2014 (starting cohort year), plus students who transfer into, minus students who are removed from, the cohort during the school years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18


Data Source

South Dakota Department of Education,


NA - Data is suppressed if denominator is less than 10
NOTES - Corsica 21-2 and Stickney 01-2 consolidated into Corsica-Stickney 21-3 in 2015/16 and is only reported as Corsica-Stickney 21-3 in this table. 
Shannon County School District 65-1 changed their district name to Oglala Lakota County School District 65-1 in 2015 and is only reported as Oglala Lakota County School District in this table. Grant-Deuel School Disctrict dissolved and attached to Milbank School District 25-4, Deuel School District 19-4, and Waverly-South Shore School District 14-5 in 2017/18.

Last Updated

October 2023