South Dakota
Statistics on children, youth and families in South Dakota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and South Dakota KIDS COUNT
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Definition and Source
Data Source
South Dakota Department of Education, https://doe.sd.gov/
NA - Data is suppressed if denominator is less than 10
NOTES - If students did not attend at least 50% of their last enrolled year at one school, students counted at the high school they attended the longest, or the last enrolled if there are multiple with equal enrollment lengths.
Numerator = Number of students who obtained a high school diploma or GED in the most recently completed school year
Denominator (example years) = Dropouts (Grade 9 dropouts in 2014-15 + Grade 10 dropouts in 2015-16 + Grade 11 dropouts in 2016-17 + Grade 12 dropouts in 2017-18) + the number of students who obtained a high school diploma or GED in the most recently completed school year
Corsica 21-2 and Stickney 01-2 consolidated into Corsica-Stickney 21-3 in 2015/16 and is only reported as Corsica-Stickney 21-3 in this table.Shannon County School District 65-1 changed their district name to Oglala Lakota County School District 65-1 in 2015 and is only reported as Oglala Lakota County School District in this table. Grant-Deuel School Disctrict dissolved and attached to Milbank School District 25-4, Deuel School District 19-4, and Waverly-South Shore School District 14-5 in 2017/18.
Last Updated
October 2024