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Median family income among households with children in Vermont

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Definition and Source



Median annual income for families with own children under age 18 living in the household.  "Own children" include the householder's (head of the household) children by birth, marriage, or adoption. The median income is the dollar amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups--half with income above the median, half with income below it. 

Data Source

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS), Table S1903, 5-year estimates. 


Each year represents survey data collected over the course of five years; thus, 2022 estimates are derived from surveys collected between 2018-2022.  The Census Bureau recommends using non-overlapping periods for trend analysis (i.e. compare 2013-2017 with 2018-2022). 

Margin of error estimates are included in table S1903.

Last Updated

December 2023