Statistics on children, youth and families in Alaska from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Alaska Children's Trust
Children who live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level by gender in Alaska
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Definition and Source
Percent of the population living in families with incomes below the FPL who are under 18 years old by gender. Poverty is considered income in the past 12 months that is below the poverty level.
This indicator is stratified by Alaska Public Health Region.
In this indicator, the number of Alaskans living in families with incomes below the FPL comprise the denominator and the number of Alaska children living in families with incomes below the FPL are included in the numerator.
This indicator is stratified by Alaska Public Health Region.
In this indicator, the number of Alaskans living in families with incomes below the FPL comprise the denominator and the number of Alaska children living in families with incomes below the FPL are included in the numerator.
Data Source
American Community Survey 5-year estimates for 2005–2009 through 2019–2023; Table B17001 - POVERTY STATUS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS BY SEX BY AGE
Last Updated
January 2025