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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients in Alabama

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The number of persons receiving food assistance through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program  or "SNAP" (referred to as the "Food Assistance Program" in Alabama).  Data excludes 95,687 persons aged 60+ who received food assistance through the Alabama Elderly Simplified Application Project (AESAP) in March 2023 and 65,999 persons in March 2018.  Data reported are for March of the specified years. 

Data Source

Unpublished data provided by the Alabama Department of Human Resources, Food Assistance Division.


Data was not available at the county level for persons aged 60+ who received food assistance through the Alabama Elderly Simplified Application Project (AESAP) in 2012; thus, they were excluded from the totals for that month/year. 2018 data has AESAP cases included in county of origin therefore previous year’s data is not comparable.

Last Updated

May 2024