Statistics on children, youth and families in Idaho from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Idaho Voices for Children
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Definition and Source
The fall 2021 IRI administration followed a year of major disruption from to COVID-19. During that year, and in fall 2021, SDE implemented a remote option so that districts and schools could still administer the assessment and access the information locally to support teaching and learning.
The included results reflect the results for roughly 90,000 students, about 5% more than the number completing the IRI in fall 2020, but more than three times the number who completed the spring 2020 IRI. The differing numbers of test-takers across the years reduce the comparability of scores.
Consequently, caution should be exercised when drawing inferences from the data, especially when comparing these results with last year’s findings.
Cells are redacted consistent with state data privacy rules.
NA = Not Available. Test scores from some districts are not available because low student populations yield privacy concerns.
Data Source
Last Updated