Statistics on children, youth and families in Oregon from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Our Children Oregon
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Definition and Source
Numbers and percentages of youth ages 10-17 who were referred to county juvenile departments for criminal felonies and misdemeanors, including personal, property, public order, criminal, and marijuana offenses. The total population counts (ages 10 through 17) are calculated using available 2020 CDC Wonder population estimates. Starting in 2021, rates per 1000 have been replaced with percents of total children by state and county.
Data Source
Oregon Youth Authority, Juvenile Justice Information Systems (JJIS) Annual Reports. Rate of referred youth processed by the juvenile justice system per 1,000 youths ages 0-17. Youth and Referrals. Rate calculated using CDC WONDER Bridged-Race Population Estimates. Retrieved from https://www.oregon.gov/oya/jjis/Pages/Reports.aspx
2021 data differs significantly from that of years prior to 2020 because of the ongoing pandemic. As a result, one should use caution when using 2021 data to make comparisons across years. N/A = county did not release JJIS Youth and Referrals Data & Evaluation Report
Last Updated
October 2022