Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate - Students who graduate from high school four years after their ninth-grade year in Pennsylvania
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Definition and Source
The cohort graduation rates are a calculation of the percentage of students who have graduated with a regular high school diploma within a designated number of years since the student first entered high school. The rate is determined for a cohort of students who have all entered high school for the first time during the same school year.
Effective with the 2009-10 school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) began implementation of this new methodology to calculate the graduation rate for all public high schools, comprehensive Career and Technical Centers (CTCs) and charter schools that graduate students from 12th grade. The transition to the new method of calculating the graduation rate is required by the U.S. Department of Education, and is a more precise way to measure the true graduation rate.
Effective with the 2009-10 school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) began implementation of this new methodology to calculate the graduation rate for all public high schools, comprehensive Career and Technical Centers (CTCs) and charter schools that graduate students from 12th grade. The transition to the new method of calculating the graduation rate is required by the U.S. Department of Education, and is a more precise way to measure the true graduation rate.
The 5-year cohort graduation rate for school year 11-12 is based on a starting cohort year of 2007-08 (ninth grade) and includes all 10-11 graduates as well as those students who needed an extra year to graduate in 11-12.
The 2012-13 5-year cohort graduation rate is calculated utilizing the final 2011-12 4-year cohort graduation rate as the basis.
ND = No Data Available. In cases of "LNE" (low number event) the cohort size is less than 10 and therefore not publicly reported.
The year listed is the second half of the school year; for example, 2012 refers to the 2011-2012 school year.
The 2012-13 5-year cohort graduation rate is calculated utilizing the final 2011-12 4-year cohort graduation rate as the basis.
ND = No Data Available. In cases of "LNE" (low number event) the cohort size is less than 10 and therefore not publicly reported.
The year listed is the second half of the school year; for example, 2012 refers to the 2011-2012 school year.
Last Updated
January 2024