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Substantiated abuse and neglect cases by type in Indiana

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Definition and Source



There are two main categories of child maltreatment: abuse and neglect.  Further distinctions within the category of abuse are sexual abuse and physical abuse.  When referencing Indiana's data, it is important to note that a child is counted in only one category per investigation using the federal hierarchy of sexual abuse first, then physical abuse, and then neglect.

NEGLECT: The number of cases that following investigation by Child Protection Services were determined to be substantiated child neglect.  Percentage of cases substantiated are those neglect cases, out of total investigated, that are considered substantiated child neglect.

SEXUAL ABUSE:  The number of cases that following investigation by Child Protection Services were determined to be substantiated sexual child abuse.  The percent substantiated is the total number of substantiated cases divided by the total number of investigations. 

PHYSICAL ABUSE: The number of cases that following investigation by Child Protective Services  were determined to be substantiated physical child abuse.  The percentage of abuse are the number of substantiated physical abuse cases divided by the total number of physical abuse cases investigated.

Data Source

Indiana Department of Child Services


Starting in 2013 the Department of Child Services began counting institutional assessments of Child Abuse and Neglect separately from county of occurrence. These institutional cases are included in the state totals, but are not assigned to a specific county.

Last Updated

September 2018