New Mexico
Statistics on children, youth and families in New Mexico from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and New Mexico Voices for Children
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Definition and Source
The percentage of students in grades three through eight that are proficient, i.e., meet or exceed expectations in Mathematics, by school year (SY).
In SY 2021-2022, New Mexico implemented a new assessment tool, Measures for Student Success and Achievement (MSSA), for all third through eighth grade students.
In SY 2021-2022, New Mexico implemented a new assessment tool, Measures for Student Success and Achievement (MSSA), for all third through eighth grade students.
Data Source
New Mexico Public Education Department,"Achievement Data", https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/bureaus/accountability/achievement-data/
Proficiencies for school years prior to SY 2021-2022 cannot be compared to subsequent years due to changes in test methodologies and thus are not reported here.
Data for school districts available upon request. In some cases, proficiencies are masked for a district if information is only available for fewer than 10 students.
Last Updated
December 2023