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ACT scores of graduating seniors in District of Columbia

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Definition and Source



Except where otherwise indicated, the "Number" rows contain the average (mean) ACT score for each subject area.

The "percent" rows indicate the percentage of students tested meeting college readiness benchmarks.
"Composite percent" indicates students meeting the benchmarks in all four subjects.

Data Source

For most years the source was ACT's District of Columbia State Briefing, part of the Condition of College and Career Readiness annual report. For 2021 onward the data pull from ACT's data visualization tool available through


Updated March 2024

The ACT Profile Reports present data about the performance of each state's graduating seniors who took the ACT as sophomores, juniors or seniors.

The ACT reports College Readiness Benchmark Scores. A benchmark scores is the minimum scores needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses, which include English Composition, Algebra, Social Science and Biology. As of August 2013, the College Readiness Benchmark Scores are: English 18, Math 22, Reading 22 and Science 23.

Last Updated

March 2024