Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
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Why This Indicator Matters
Child and teen death rates from all causes, such as accidents, illnesses, homicide and suicide, can reveal underlying issues and inequities within communities, such as neighborhood safety, access to healthcare or exposure to environmental toxins.
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Definition and Source
The three-year average number of deaths to children and teens ages 1 to 19. The rate is the number per 100,000 population ages 1 to 19. An "S" indicates the three-year average count was fewer than 2, so no rate is listed. Rates are suppressed to maintain reliability.
Data Source
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics.
Data for counties and the cities of Detroit and Flint were corrected for 2008-2015 on 2/5/2019.
Data for 2016 were revised on 2/25/2019.
NA: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed.
Data for 2016 were revised on 2/25/2019.
NA: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed.
Last Updated
September 2024