Statistics on children, youth and families in Alabama from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and VOICES for Alabama's Children
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Definition and Source
Percent of own children under 18 years of age residing with only one parent. Since data reported are for “own children,” they do not include children who live in households with a single grandparent, aunt, uncle, or another person who is not the parent.
Data Source
U. S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population, Census Bureau Website, www.census.gov, Summary File 1, Tables PO28, PO28A, PO28B, and PO28H. Released 2001; and U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population, Census Bureau Website, www. census.gov, Summary File 1, Tables P31, P31A, P31B, and P31H, Released June, 2011.
Last Updated
December 2011