Statistics on children, youth and families in Montana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center
Children age 3 to 21 enrolled in special education in public schools in Montana
- Detailed

Definition and Source
This indicator represents the number of public school children ages 3 through 21 enrolled in special education. This data is a snapshot of enrollment on the first Monday in October used to reflect the entire school year.
The percent reflects the total number of children enrolled in special education out of all pre-K through 12 children enrolled as reported from the same October enrollment snapshot.
The percent reflects the total number of children enrolled in special education out of all pre-K through 12 children enrolled as reported from the same October enrollment snapshot.
Data Source
Montana Office of Public Instruction.
GEOGRAPHY - Data reflect the school location, not the student's place of residence.
DATE - October of reference school year.
LIMITATIONS - In some cases, data are not available for certain geographies, in which case NA is used to reflect Not Available.
Last Updated
July 2024