Statistics on children, youth and families in Idaho from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Idaho Voices for Children
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Definition and Source
Late or No Prenatal Care: Babies born to mothers who received prenatal care only in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy or not at all. Birth certificates that did not report information about prenatal care were not included in this calculation.
Data Source
Idaho State Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, Special Report
For 2005, caution is advised that Franklin, Oneida, Payette, Teton, and Washington counties have 30 percent or more records with date of first prenatal care visit not stated.
For 2006 and 2007, caution is advised that Franklin, Oneida, Payette, and Washington counties have 30 percent or more records with date of first prenatal care visit not stated.
For 2008, caution is advised that Franklin and Oneida counties have 30 percent or more records with date of first prenatal care visit not stated.Last Updated
March 2011