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Public school enrollment in District of Columbia

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Definition and Source



(Number) Number of public school students enrolled by school type.

Data Source

School year 1990-91 from the 2000 Kids Count archives.
School years 2001-02 through 2016-17 from the Office of State Superintendent of Education, October Audited Enrollment Data, including students for whom residency was not verified.

For consistency with earlier years, data from 2017-18 onward (still pull from the annual OSSE audited enrollment file, but) are based on the funding formula (UPSFF) enrollment rather than total audited public and non-public October enrollment. This number covers DC residents enrolled in public schools in the District but excludes students placed in non-public schools. By contrast, the total audited enrollment number (often listed as the enrollment number, but not what's reported here) includes students enrolled in DC schools but placed in non-public schools, as well as unverified resident students and tuition-paying non-resident public school students.


1997-1998 enrollment data for public charter not available. Data represent audited enrollment not the October certified (reported) enrollment.

Updated June 2024

Last Updated

June 2024