Statistics on children, youth and families in Arizona from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children's Action Alliance
Students grades 7 through 12 who dropped out of school in Arizona
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Definition and Source
"Dropout rates are reported for grades seven through twelve, and are based on a calendar year that runs from the first day of summer recess through the last day of school. A school’s total enrollment is used as the population figure against which dropouts are subsequently counted. For purposes of this study, dropouts are defined as students who are enrolled in school at any time during the school year, but are not enrolled at the end of the school year and did not transfer, graduate, or die." Arizona Department of Education
Data Source
Arizona Department of Education, Research & Evaluation, Dropout Rate Study Report.
NA indicates less than 11 students.
Cohort 2021 four (4)-Year Graduation results were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, students moved in and out of public schools differently than in prior years, which effected many data points in education. It is important to remember that these disruptions have impacted graduation results.
Cohort 2021 four (4)-Year Graduation results were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the pandemic, students moved in and out of public schools differently than in prior years, which effected many data points in education. It is important to remember that these disruptions have impacted graduation results.
Last Updated
October 2023