Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Foster Care - Length of stay of children who exited and those remaining in care in Pennsylvania
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Why This Indicator Matters
By examining the length of stay of children in foster care by their reason for exiting the system, researchers are able to track longitudinal trends and changes associated with when and why children are being discharged from foster care. As shown in the following table, the median number of months children stay in foster care vary significantly by the reason for discharge, and these variations have been fairly consistent over the past decade. Children discharged to live with relatives typically only stay in the system for a few months, whereas those exiting for adoption, guardianship, or emancipation often stay in foster care for at least a year. While reunification to the original home continues to be the preferred permanency option of child welfare agencies, this outcome usually takes around 6 months to achieve as families must first prove to the court that they can keep their child safe, meet all their essential needs, and serve as responsible caregivers. [5] Because longer periods of time in foster care has been correlated with greater risk of remaining in the system rather than achieving permanency, federal policy has focused on reducing the overall length of stay for children in out-of-home care.[6]
[1] Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2023). Overview: Out-of-Home Care. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau.
[2] Rizvi, M. B., Conners, G. P., King, K. C., Lopez, R. A., & Rabiner, J. (2022). Pennsylvania Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
[3] Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2023). Achieving & Maintaining Permanency. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau.
[4] Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2023). Achieving & Maintaining Permanency. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau.
[5] Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2016). Reunification: Bringing Your Child Home From Foster Care. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau.
[6] Ringeisen, H, Tueller, S., Testa, M., Dolan, M., & Smith, K. (2013). Risk of Long-Term Foster Care Placement Among Children Involved with the Child Welfare System. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation.
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