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Graduation rate in Alabama

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 The number of students who graduated from public high schools in Alabama in 2021-2022 with regular, advanced and/or credit-based diplomas. This number is expressed as a percentage of the total number of students who enrolled as first year freshmen four years earlier.

The denominator used in computing the rate includes graduates, completers, students still enrolled, students withdrawn but still enrolled, students who enrolled but failed to attend, dropouts and “other.” It does not include students in the freshman class who were retained from earlier classes.

Data are adjusted for students who transferred into and out of the cohort over the four-year period. This method of measuring the graduation rate is referred to as the “four-year cohort graduation rate.”

Data Source

Special tabulations provided by the Alabama State Department of Education.


The formula used in computing graduation rates reported in this year’s Data Book is the same as that used in computing rates for the 2012-2015 Data Books. Graduation rates reported in Data Books prior to 2012 did not use the same formula and should not be compared directly to current rates.

Because reliable graduation rates were deemed not available from the Alabama State Department of Education for the 2016 edition of the Data Book, graduation rates have been omitted.

Last Updated

May 2024