Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Alliance
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Definition and Source
Teenagers 15 through 19 years of age who were pregnant, regardless of marital status. Pregnancy outcomes could be live births, abortions, or fetal deaths. Therefore, total pregnancy equals the sum of live births, abortions, and fetal deaths.
Rates represent the number of pregnancies to 15-19 year old women per 1,000 women of this age group.
Rates represent the number of pregnancies to 15-19 year old women per 1,000 women of this age group.
Data Source
Data for this measure come from the Center for Health Statistics, Washington State Department of Health (DOH). Data were retrieved on November 26, 2019 from: https://www.doh.wa.gov/DataandStatisticalReports/HealthStatistics/AbortionPregnancy/AbortionPregnancyTablesbyTopic (Induced Abortion/Pregnancy Data Tables 16 & 17).
S: Data estimate has been suppressed. When annual number of teen pregnancies was 10 or less the rates are suppressed.
S: Data estimate has been suppressed. When annual number of teen pregnancies was 10 or less the rates are suppressed.
Data last updated in November 2019 by Washington KIDS COUNT.
DOH technical notes are available at http://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/5300/TechnicalNotes.pdf.
Last Updated
November 2019