Rhode Island
Statistics on children, youth and families in Rhode Island from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Schools making insufficient progress (2008- 2011) in Rhode Island
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Definition and Source
Schools making insufficient progress is the percentage of Rhode Island public schools making insufficient progress as classified by the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Classifications are based on 37 measures of school performance. Rhode Island’s accountability system is designed to promote an increase in student test scores so all students reach proficiency by 2014, as required by the federal No Child Left behind Act of 2001.
Data Source
Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Each reported year represents a school year. The denominator is the total number of categorized schools in each school district and several communities and charter schools. One school building may house middle and high school grades. For the purposes of this indicator, they are reported as separate schools.
Last Updated
June 2013