Change Indicator

Children with incarcerated parents in Rhode Island

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Definition and Source



Children of incarcerated parents is the number of children with parents serving sentences at the Rhode Island Department of Corrections per 1,000 children under age 18. The data are reported by the place of the parent’s last residence before entering prison and do not include Rhode Island children who have parents incarcerated at other locations.

Data Source

Rhode Island Department of Corrections based on self-reports from prisoners at the Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institutions.


Starting with data for 2011, rates are based on the Census 2010 population. This change should be noted when looking at trends over time. Data are based on single points in time (September 30th) and are reported by the place of the parent’s last residence before entering prison. Data on the number of children are self-reported by the incarcerated parent and may include some children over age 18. The rate of children with incarcerated parents is based on the sentenced population. Prior to 2004, the rate was based on a combination of the sentenced and the awaiting trial population. Previous years' data are available by contacting Rhode Island KIDS COUNT.

Last Updated

July 2024