Statistics on children, youth and families in Oregon from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Our Children Oregon
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Definition and Source
Percentage of children ages 0-17
estimated to be without health insurance.
Data Source
2009-12: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates
2008: Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research analysis of ACS public use microdata sample data
2007: Oregon Population Survey
2006: Oregon Population Survey
2004: Oregon Population Survey
2008: Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research analysis of ACS public use microdata sample data
2007: Oregon Population Survey
2006: Oregon Population Survey
2004: Oregon Population Survey
Children under age 18 not covered by any health insurance. Percentage of children under 18.
State: U.S. Census Bureau. “S2701: Health Insurance Coverage Status.” 2015 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. American FactFinder.
County: U.S. Census Bureau. “Small-Area Health Insurance Estimates.” 2015 County and State Health Insurance Estimates by demographic and Income Characteristics.” https://www.census.gov/did/www/sahie/data/20082015/index.html
Last Updated
November 2018