Statistics on children, youth and families in Minnesota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Defense Fund–Minnesota
Average monthly enrollment of children birth to 17 in MinnesotaCare in Minnesota
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Definition and Source
Average number of children under 18 enrolled in MinnesotaCare during a month from July 2010 to June 2011.
N.A.: Not Available
N.A.: Not Available
Data Source
Minnesota Department of Human Services, Reports and Forecasts Division.
Data requested and obtained from staff
Data requested and obtained from staff
Children's ages calculated as of July 1. Includes children in households receiving MFIP. Children are counted only in one county, even if they moved during the year. Children are counted in both Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare counts if they were enrolled in both programs during the year. Refers to children under age 18, although 18- to 20-year-olds are also eligible to receive MinnesotaCare.
Last Updated
November 2022