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Children in the Family Assessment Response Program in Minnesota

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Definition and Source



Unique count of children whose families participated in Family Assessment (FA). FA is a strengths-based and family focused alternative within the child protection system where no determination of maltreatment is made. In these situations, a county worker meets with all family members together to discuss and assess child safety concerns and review the family’s strengths and needs.
N.A.: Not Available

Data Source

Minnesota Department of Human Services. Minnesota’s Child Maltreatment Report (Report changed in 2015 from Minnesota’s Child Welfare Report)
Available: County Reports and Results (


State law encourages the use of Family Assessment, except in situations that involve alleged egregious harm, sexual abuse, and maltreatment in a child daycare or foster care home.
Number listed under Faribault County and Martin County is a combined figure representing the sum of cases in both counties. Number listed under Lincoln, Lyon and Murray Counties is a combined figure representing the sum of cases in all three counties in 2005-2012. 

Last Updated

December 2022