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Special education ages birth to 26 in Michigan

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Definition and Source



The count of special education students ages birth to 26. The percent is based on total enrollment.

Data Source

Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education & Early Intervention Services - for county level data. Center for Educational Performance and Information, MiSchool Data, Special Education Enrollment count for Detroit, Flint, and Grand Rapids (charters included).

Total enrollment is from Center for Educational Performance and Information, MiSchool Data, Economically Disadvantaged file.


County totals are estimations. Districts with fewer than ten students are excluded due to suppression from the data source.

Detroit data for 2005-08 were revised in October 2010 to include all charter schools.

Flint data for 2016 were revised on 7/17/2019 to include all charter schools.

NA: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed

Last Updated

May 2024