Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Students are those who have been determined to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals via locally gathered and approved family applications under the National School Lunch program (students from families reporting incomes between 130 and 185 percent of the federal poverty line are eligible for reduced-priced meals, while children from families with incomes below 130 percent of poverty are eligible for a free meals), are in households receiving food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or financial assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, are homeless, are migrant, or are in foster care. Beginning in 2017-18, some MEDICAID eligible students are also included. When any of these conditions are present, a student is considered ED.
The percent is based on total enrollment. Percents are suppressed with an "S" for counts fewer than six to maintain reliability. NA: Not Available.
Districts that cross county boundaries are included in the county indicated by the CEPI district code.
This indicator was previously known as "Students eligible to receive free or reduced price lunch."