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Youth death rate ages 15 to 19, detailed in Maine

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Why This Indicator Matters

The youth death rate reflects a broad array of factors: physical and mental health; access to health care; community factors; use of safety practices and the level of adult supervision. Reducing the mortality rate among youth ages 15-19 means reducing accidents, including car accidents and other types of accidents, as well as suicides.

What the data shows
Maine ranked 9th nationally in 2021 in the rate of teen deaths, per 10,000 youth ages 15 -19, Maine was second to last of New England states.  Kids Count Teen Death Rates By State . Looking at single year data for Maine, the trend for deaths of youth ages 15 to19 declined steadily from 2002 to 2017. Since then, it has varied between 4.3- 5.3 per 10,000 teens and was 4.7 for the latest year 2021, representing 37 teen deaths.

On a county level, for the latest five-year period, 2018-2022, Oxford County had the highest rate at 10.7 followed by Washington County at 10.3 per 10,000 youth ages 15 to 19. The counties with the lowest rates were: Sagadahoc, (no teen deaths) and Cumberland at 2.9 and Kennebec at 3.1 youths per 10,000 youth ages 15 -19. In addition, there were 2 counties where the rate was suppressed due to low numbers (LNE).

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Definition and Source



The rate of deaths from all causes to youth ages 15 to 19. The rate is per 10,000 youth ages 15 to19. The data are reported by the youth's place of residence, not the place of death. The 5-year average means that the year shown represents the last year of a five-year period, so 2022 is for the years 2018-2022.


LNE (Low number event): Data has been suppressed to preserve confidentiality. Maine CDC does this for both rates and numbers when there are fewer than 6 events at a sub-state, such as county, level.

Data represent five-year averages, with the ultimate year of the five-year spread indicated here; 2022 represents the average of data from 2018-2022, while 2021 represents the average of data from 2017-2021, etc. Rates are per 10,000 youth ages 15 to 19.

Last Updated

February 2024