Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
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Why This Indicator Matters
Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides food to children who live in families with low incomes. The numbers fluctuate with the economy and also with changes in eligibility. Children who live in families who have sufficient food are said to have low food insecurity. This is associated with better outcomes in school and general health.
What the data shows
In December 2023, a total of 55,559 Maine children ages 18 and younger received SNAP benefits. This is 2,976 more children than in 2022, but below the number of children with SNAP in 2019. In December 2023, 20.9% of Maine children received SNAP. This is a higher percentage than the previous two years, but well below the 31.7% in 2012.
In December 20223 six counties had rates of SNAP between 30% and 33%. These were: Washington, (33.0%), Piscataquis, (32.1%), , Somerset, (30.9%), Aroostook, (30.3%), Oxford, (30.1%) and Androscoggin (30.2%). By contrast, the counties with the lowest rates of SNAP were: Sagadahoc (13.3%), Cumberland County, (14.1%) and in York County (14.4%).
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What the data shows
In December 2023, a total of 55,559 Maine children ages 18 and younger received SNAP benefits. This is 2,976 more children than in 2022, but below the number of children with SNAP in 2019. In December 2023, 20.9% of Maine children received SNAP. This is a higher percentage than the previous two years, but well below the 31.7% in 2012.
In December 20223 six counties had rates of SNAP between 30% and 33%. These were: Washington, (33.0%), Piscataquis, (32.1%), , Somerset, (30.9%), Aroostook, (30.3%), Oxford, (30.1%) and Androscoggin (30.2%). By contrast, the counties with the lowest rates of SNAP were: Sagadahoc (13.3%), Cumberland County, (14.1%) and in York County (14.4%).
Definition and Source
The number/percent of children ages 0-18 who were receiving Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits during December. The state total includes children whose county is unknown or who reside out of state. The numerator is the number of children under age 19 who received SNAP in December and the denominator is the number of children ages 0-18 based on the most recent estimate from Maine's Office of Vital Statistics.
Data for 2003 through 2022 represent enrollments in December of those years. Data for 2022 was recalculated to include children ages 18.
Last Updated
January 2024