Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
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Why This Indicator Matters
Children growing up in poverty are much more likely than their peers to experience stress and deprivation that hinders health, development and readiness for school, and other developmental outcomes.
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Definition and Source
The number represents the 5-year average, ending in the year listed, of children ages birth to 17 living below the poverty level.
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
Data Source
American Community Survey Table B17020.
Time comparisons with 5-year estimates is best done without overlapping the years. For example, comparing 2018, 2019 and 2020 5-year estimates is not ideal since the 2020 estimates include 2019 and 2018 in their data estimates. It is better to use something like the 2020 5-year estimates compared with the 2015 estimates, since they do not include any overlapping years.
Last Updated
August 2024