United States
Rate of children entering foster care by race and Hispanic origin in United States
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Definition and Source
Rates are based on Census Bureau estimates of the population of children and youth ages 0 to 20 in each state, as of July 1st of the respective year. National estimates do not include Puerto Rico.
A small number of AFCARS records across many states were missing information on the child’s race/Hispanic group and were also not included in the “unable to determine” category. These missing data are excluded from percentage and frequency distributions. Youth are categorized as being in foster care if they entered prior to the end of the current fiscal year and have not been discharged from their latest foster care spell by the end of the current fiscal year. Race or Hispanic origin are mutually exclusive categories. Children who are of Hispanic origin are not classified as any other race.
Data Source
Population data: U.S. Census Bureau. "Annual State Resident Population Estimates for 6 Race Groups (5 Race Alone Groups and Two or More Races) by Age, Sex, and Hispanic Origin.
Last Updated