Statistics on children, youth and families in Georgia from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Georgia Family Connection Partnership
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Definition and Source
Numerator: Number of crimes against society (includes drug offenses, gambling, pornography, prostitution, weapon violations) Denominator: Number of persons in the population. Rate Calculation: 1,000 times the numerator divided by the denominator.
Data Source
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, Georgia Crime Information Center, Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
UCR data is compiled directly from National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) submitted from Georgia’s law enforcement agencies. Each offense is either a Group A or Group B offense type. Law enforcement agencies report Group A offenses as part of a NIBRS incident report and are included in these data, but they report only arrest data for Group B offenses and are not included here. Crimes against society Group A include drug/narcotic offenses; gambling offenses; pornography/obscene material; prostitution offenses; and weapon law violations. Group B includes curfew/loitering/vagrancy violations; disorderly conduct; driving under the influence (DUI); drunkenness; family offenses, nonviolent; liquor law violations; peeping tom; trespass of real property and all other crimes against property. S: Data Suppressed indicates that there were 4 or fewer events on which rates would be based.
Last Updated
December 2023