Statistics on children, youth and families in Alaska from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Alaska Children's Trust
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Definition and Source
Percentage of students who smoked cigarettes or cigars, or used smokeless tobacco (including iqmik) or electronic vapor products during the past 30 days
We currently report district-level results for participating school districts in years when the sample size requirements are met and results can be weighted. For questions about school districts not included here, please check the most recent Alaska YRBS results
Data Source
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) for 2015–2023, Alaska Department of Health
**The 2021 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey was canceled due to the unprecedented challenges Alaska school districts and schools are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
**The 2021 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey was canceled due to the unprecedented challenges Alaska school districts and schools are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
NA: Not Available; S: Suppressed data
Last Updated
January 2025