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Youth admitted to substance use treatment program (2021–present) in South Dakota

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Definition and Source



Number of youth (younger than age 18) clients who attended a substance use treatment program by county. Data only represent youth who received publicly-funded services.

Data Source

The South Dakota Department of Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health


NA - Data is not reported if the number of youth is less than 4 for a geography.
DATE - Data is for state fiscal years, representing 6/1-5/31 of the year listed in the table.
NOTES - Data include youth younger than age 18 who attended a substance use treatment program. Data is unduplicated, however, if a youth moved counties and attended a program in the new county, they are counted again.

The data reporting system was updated in 2021 and improved the ability to unduplicate the data across different treatment programs. In years prior, youth may have been counted more than once if they attended different treatment programs within the same year.

Last Updated

September 2024